
Showing posts from 2024

Passion is necessity

What is passion if not a necessity, Hobby is just another word for those who can't do it. For those who can, it’s called living to simply Be You  What is fire if not one more element to fuel your dreams Do what you love,  For one day, people will love you for what you do and simply Be You. Challenges will come your way, In the form of others, and some days in the form of YOU.  Obstacles are here to stay So is the family, your friends, the society and the world So what if they tell you that you can’t BE YOU,  BELIEVE, FOR YOU CAN’T BE ANYBODY BUT YOU! Fight doubts like you breathe to live Don’t live to survive like generations told you to Live to thrive like it was always meant for you   Do whatever it is your heart desires, Do wherever the day takes you, Take life wherever you want to Do whatever feels right for YOU, Do what you must, always, Do, not doubt.


“Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today!” How often do we take life for granted before we touch the ground and start all over again?  Quite often… a lot actually.  The warmth pumping through our veins is what drives us after all. We keep chasing for the dam warmth, leaving behind a long line of decisions while collecting experiences (sometimes even growth) on our way.   Some days we are our impulses and do what feels right in the moment, most days we shut it all out. We aren’t what we are by birth, we are what we are by choices - warm and patient, confused and yearning, cold and angry or worse, hurt and indifferent; it’s familiar, it's comforting. In fact, living in the moment isn’t a bad thing at all, chasing comfort isn’t a bad thing either, neither is giving into impulses. So, how can something that sounds and feels right in the moment, come with a price? Loss of time, regrets and what ifs - more often than not they are expensive and heavy; maybe even heavier than a 30 year mor