As  quoted   by our lovable Barney Stinson (How I Met Your Mother ),  “ Its where the possible & the impossible meet ”.
The scariest thing in this entire world  is knowing what you are good at & yet staring at a blank page. It’s like those moments where  your future boss asks  you, “ Tell me something about yourself , something different than the usual ” , and you keep wracking your brain , wondering & thinking, thinking & wondering "What can I possibly say to make him believe that I am different” , and & then comes the inevitable point where you start doubting yourself . Finally of course comes that epic moment where you have achieved your goal  and your attitude towards that gain is like Priyanka Chopra, "Good, Bad or Ugly , it’ll be mine to remember ".

Today we live in a world where our attitude towards what the other wants or thinks is pretty much  perfunctory. We live in a time where we are our own scientists, never getting tired of experimenting, pushing our limits and testing our fears.

I know what my passion & interests are & yet there are three things in this entire universe  that will never fail to genuinely scare the living daylights out of me  . 

a) Lizard 
b) Kolkata 
c) Preparing a non-vegetarian  food.

Now lizard is a kind of fear that I have tried & failed to conquer almost all the time. Almost being an incident where I killed one. 

Tips ??? 

Well, that’s a story for another day.

Kolkata on the other hand is where I go, test my fears & push my limits (of tolerance ). That city is like a live horror movie to me. I buy tickets every year, go there  &  unravel  more repulsive ways & reasons to  be scared  of from the  so called City of Joy.

But cooking a non-veg item??? Hopefully I have debunked my fear regarding this like a freaking  Lebron James  and  Micheal Jordan. Initial plan was to follow the ever famous  Chinese recipe of Chilli chicken. Now you would not believe the lengths I went to in order to get the easiest recipes . So much so that I ended up downloading an app on my super cool smart  phone. Of course  I should  have realized from experiences that right & easy are less fun & never go hand in hand.

The next  Great Wall of China awaiting for me were the lack of resources, and as expected , by this time I had lost my patience by a great deal especially this being only my second time. Then out of nowhere,  I had an epiphany. "Cooking is like driving, you need tons of tolerance or you will burn yourself ."
                                                         So that’s what I did . 
Uninstalled  my  awesome recipe app, opened my eyes, cleared my brain, applied our  classic desi-nuska & cooked with what I had and applied whatever I found .
Next thing I know, my experiment pays off & I have a delicious hot platter full of what I call Dhaniya lemon red chicken  in front of me calling me out, begging to be consumed.

Guess now  I know how Edmund Hillary & Neil Armstrong must have felt like when they  tamed the IMPOSSIBLES  & achieved their respective POSSIMPIBLES. ;)


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