SPACED OUT: My thoughts after watching GRAVITY

You know that cold pit in your stomach that you end up having, no matter how hard headed you are, before stepping on to some amusement ride and all kinds of gross case scenarios start running through that beautiful head of yours, top most being the opening scene from Final destination III. Well congratulations because now we have a new and a more claustrophobic scenario to add up to that list.


So our protagonists Lieutenant Matt Kowalski and Dr. Ryan Stone (yes, it’s a girl’s name) have been assigned to a space mission fixing things that I don’t know and don’t care about because in my knowledge, the astronaut lingo is way worse than solving a trigonometry question. Anyway, Dr. Stone is a serious lab researcher on a mission where she’s used to things falling on the floor instead of them floating around in space and out of her reach. Then we have our irresistible Kowalski whose “Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.” is like a calm before the storm or should I say space storm. 
The Russians suddenly get this urge to attack their own satellite and all hell breaks loose thus causing a ripple effect of such intensity that half of the world goes into a blackout.
But you don’t care about what went wrong with the people down there and you certainly don’t care about half of the world losing access to social networking sites. All you care about is the status of our two duos who are left to tether to one another on a stringy camaraderie (no metaphors by the way). It's either that or you could always choose to float away to infinity. LITERALLY!

I have seen Sandra Bullock as the damsel in distress from Speed,  as the bitchy no nonsense boss from The Proposal and now as an astronaut juggling between giving up and trying to hold it together all alone with very little knowledge on how to launch a space craft amidst a storm of satellite debris. I think I have seen it all. Clooney’s jokes on the other hand are like a breath of fresh air when you feel like you’re about to drown. You’re like a fine wine indeed, the older the better.

General opinion: It’s all about the 3D.

‘Peel the onion’ opinion: Committing Spacicide out of some temporary insanity or the fear of getting sucked into a black hole all by yourself. It's a traumatic 90minute journey beautifully crafted into every human being’s worst nightmare.

Moral of the story: Remember that crazy wish we all have of buying a property on moon. Well, watch this and you will want to reconsider those HEAVENLY dreams.


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